Bolivian Express

Journeys of a restless traveller in South America

An eventful journey, a nomadic paradise, a transient hell – travelling is many things. But one thing remains certain: the traveller is always on the move.

It’s part of the game, and a game for many it becomes. Imagine the great continent of South America as a Monopoly board. The aim is to collect the properties – or, in this case, countries – of greatest value.

The start of the board would see the not-so-oft visited countries of Suriname and Paraguay, widely said to be void of ‘wow’ factors. The safe bets, those invested in by many and bound to pay off, would be the backpacker favourites of Peru and Argentina.

The big hitter comes in the form of Colombia. On the rise, famed for beautiful coastlines and even more beautiful people, those who fail to add this to their collection are definitely missing out.

And Bolivia? Underestimated by some, most of the country is largely ignored, but it boasts a variety of backpacker must-do attractions. Worth a trip, some may say, but just a trip.

Hang around longer in any of these countries, though, and an attachment will be formed. Letting go of this attachment is the complicated part, as I found out…

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